Donate to Support Saint Francis' Table Soup Kitchen
The St. Francis Table, Food Pantry, and Morning Sandwich Ministry are funded through donations from parishioners and friends
of the Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
How can you help us?
An Online donation can be made through the Catholic Shrine by indicating the gift is for St. Francis Table.
Sign up to serve for Saint Francis Table on a Saturday by calling the Shrine Office at 404-521-1866 and making a reservation.
Many Saturdays are booked months in advance, so call to check availability.
Organize a food drive for the Food Pantry.
Make meat and cheese sandwiches (no condiments) and deliver them to the Church for Saturday morning or for use in our daily
Morning Sandwich Ministry. Please call the Church Office (404-521-1866) and arrange for the delivery of your offering so that
we can be sure someone will be onsite to receive it.