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Please contact the Church Office at (404-521-1866) if you want to schedule a group to work on a Saturday.

St. Francis Table begins operation at 7:00AM each Saturday morning. At this time volunteers prepare sandwiches, if they have not been donated. Sometimes other churches or organizations donate the sandwiches. Soup is prepared from ingredients that are either donated or are, primarily, purchased from the Atlanta Community Food Bank (AFCB). No fish or shellfish is used. Coffee is put on to brew, cold drinks are prepared and the cups, bowls, spoons and napkins are assembled and set out by the volunteers.

The guests are invited in at 10AM. They enter through the door located on the Martin Luther King Boulevard side of the Shrine. They each receive a meat and cheese sandwich, bowl, cup, spoon and napkin. After they are seated, the volunteers serve the soup from large pitchers. Each person is fed until they have their fill, they leave through the door on the parking lot side of the church and as they leave through the parking lot door they are given desserts. After each group leaves, the next group is let in. The kitchen stays open and serves soup and sandwiches until 12:00 noon when clean up begins.

Saint Francis's Table Soup Kitchen, Logo, and Site are Copyrighted to The Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception 2018.